ayurveda together

ayurveda was conceived not just to heal humans but for the betterment of ALL CONSCIOUS BEINGS. to honor this, i want make ayurveda AFFORDABLE, ACCESSIBLE and INCLUSIVE especially for those who feel underserved and underrepresented in wellness. session can be local or remote.
thus, i'll be giving away my DOSHA, DIET & HERBS package -- a $333 value -- to one person each month for the next year! if you feel unrepresented or underrepresented in wellness, PLEASE ENTER! if you feel you need ayurveda in your life and $333 is truly out of reach, PLEASE ENTER!
please know AYURVEDA CAN ADDRESS A WIDE VARIETY OF COMMON HEALTH COMPLAINTS SAFELY AND NATURALLY, including but not limited to acid reflux / acne / addiction recovery / allergies / anxiety / arthritis / asthma / autoimmune disorders / back pain / chronic / fatigue syndrome / constipation / depression / diabetes / digestive disorders / eczema / fibromyalgia / high cholesterol / high blood pressure / hypertension / IBS / insomnia / lack of concentration / low assimilation / low blood sugar / migraines / osteoarthritis / osteoporosis / panic attacks / psoriasis / thinning hair and nails / vertigo /various cancers / thyroid disorders / yeast infections / stress / weight loss / weight gain.
TO ENTER just DM me a few sentences or short paragraph about anything you feel passionate about when it comes to health and wellness — healing, white privilege in wellness, what diversity in wellness looks like, what ‘self-care’ means to you, or even what workshops and content you’d like to see more of here. i'll pick one person at random and contact them privately.
there will never be enough thanks and praise for the SARASWATI PEOPLE of the INDUS VALLEY who gave us the medicine. and there will never be enough thanks and praise for every friend who has supported my efforts on this road.