fruit cobbler

i love this FRUIT CRISP with ALMOND FLOUR from ELENA'S PANTRY! only minors hacks needed to make it follow ayurvedic food combination rules -- swapping butter for GHEE or COCONUT OIL and perhaps adding some GARAM MASALA for digestive ease. its okay for ANY DOSHA depending on what fruit, nut flour and oils you decide to use.
grease an 8 X 8 baking dish w/ a little COCONUT OIL or GHEE and add 2 LBS of STONE FRUIT / BERRIES. you could stir a little GARAM MASALA or other spices in. then, combine 1.25 cups of BLANCHED ALMOND FLOUR, 2 TBSP of GHEE or COCONUT OIL, 1 TBSP of MAPLE SYRUP, 1/2 TSP of VANILLA EXTRACT and a PINCH of SALT. mix well and crumple on top of the fruit. BAKE at 350F for 35 to 45 mins...and enjoy!
meredith carter