baked apples

vata can certainly benefit from cultivating some patience but ayurveda does not require needlessly monastic measures! thus, i hacked this classic recipe by simple slicing the apples for faster cooking and adding some specifically vata-reducing spices.
preheat to 400 F and put a tbsp of GHEE and a 1/4 c of WATER in a baking dish and into the oven until the ghee melts, then remove. cut 4 or so medium APPLES into 1/4” slices and toss into the ghee and water, stirring. add 4 FRESH DATES, the juice of 1/2 a LEMON and add a tsp of CARDAMOM, a tsp of CINNAMON and 1/4 to 1/2 a tsp of POWDERED GINGER and mix well into the apples. baked for about 20 minutes or until the apples soften.
RAW APPLES are far to astringent for vata’s dry digestion but BAKED APPLES with all the moisturizing GHEE and DATES is actually pretty grounding for the season of air. the WARMING SPICES help us maintaining body temperature and agni or digestive fire.