carrot rice soup

minor hacks to this french carrot rice or POTAGE DE CRECY soup recipes from the new york times i swapped the butter for ghee, added celery, sage and thyme for a meal that will calm even the most frayed nerves.
heat 2 tbsp of GHEE in a pot. add one diced ONION, cooking until soft and then add one bunch of diced CELERY until it softens too. put in about 8 cups of WATER or broth of choice, 1 lb of diced carrots, 8 tbsp of RICE, a couple tbsps FRESH SAGE and a tbsp or more fresh THYME and 3 BAY LEAVES. bring it all to a boil and then reduce heat to a low simmer, cooking until the rice done. remove from heat, take out the BAY LEAVES, add some salt and puree well.
the CARROTS, like any root vegetable, will ground vata’s spaciness. CELERY was added since it calms the mind and emotions. the RICE is highly nutritive but also laxative so it’s not too heavy. SAGE calms the nerves while both the BAY LEAVES and THYME are great for indigestion.