mung bean hummus

i love this recipe from 101 COOKBOOKS because mung beans are far more detoxifying and easier to digest than chick peas. it's pretty great for VATA people. PITTA could use less GARLIC and KAPHA should consider using more water and less TAHINI.
you'll need a cup and a half of cooked MUNG BEANS. no need to soak. they're tiny and will cook in about 20 mins. drain the beans & puree the beans w/ 2 tbsps LEMON JUICE, half a cup of TAHINI, 1 large CLOVE OF GARLIC, 1/2 tsp of SALT. you may need to add A LITTLE WATER, like a quarter cup or so, to get the right consistency. you could top with a drizzle of OIL or sprinkle of TURMERIC, CUMIN, CORIANDER etc. for color.
meredith carter