vata pitta kapha
vata pitta kapha
content, hacks and services for every price point

dosha, diet & herbs

dosha, diet & herbs


this is the classic, one-on-one ayurvedic offering that addresses your individual health goals and concerns.

after an hour long intake, you’ll learn your ayurvedic constitution or DOSHIC TYPE.

on your second appointment, you’ll how and what to EAT with your CUSTOM DIET and what herbs to take with a CUSTOM HERB PROTOCOL.

and the third appointment will be about fine tuning and helping you put it all together.

DOSHA, DIET & HERBS package plus EXERCISE for your doshic type, MEDITATION techniques including PRANAYAMA and MANTRA as well as custom 3-day MEAL PLAN.

includes 4 local or remote appointments & lots of email support!

includes 3 hour long appointments & lots of email support!

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