mustard mash

i only swapped the butter for GHEE and yukon golds for PURPLE for this super easy, super grounding recipe from bon appetit. butter can be too cold and sometimes clogging while ghee regulates digestive temperature. and of course, the purple potatoes are packed with antioxidants.
boil 1.5 lbs of POTATOES until they’re soft. i used rainbow fingerlings here. drain and mash in 1/3 c of MILK, 3 tbsp of both GHEE and WHOLE GRAIN MUSTARD as well as SALT to taste. an immersion blender makes them extra velvety.
any root vegetable is so GROUNDING for vata as is sweet dairy like MILK. while POTATOES are still not really thought of as a healthy whole food, they are actually tri-doshic and considered among the most strengthening vegetables by ayurveda. the added bonus of antioxidants in the purple variety make them especially good for nourishing sometimes undernourished vata. similarly, SALT is not thought of as healthy but we definitely need it, as it helps retain moisture, maintain body temperature and metabolism. the GHEE and MUSTARD both help digestion stay warm and regular for optimal function and elimination.