golden carrot raisin salad

this salad is inspired by a recipe from GREEN HEALTHY COOKING. i changed a few things and now it's pretty well hacked for KAPHA people / SPRING season but it works for great for PITTA too...
grate or mandolin one BUNCH OF CARROTS and toss in a a handful of RAISINS, one minced CLOVE OF GARLIC, a couple tbps of SUNFLOWER OIL, the juice 1/2 a LIME, 1/4 a tsp of TURMERIC, 1/4 of CINNAMON, 1/8 tsp of CUMIN and a pinch of SALT.
this salad is blood cleansing, stimulant, good for cough & congestion, astringent, and helps regulate blood sugar, fats, and oils.
meredith carter