tahini fudge

only tiny hacks to make this AMBITIOUS KITCHEN recipe pretty good for PITTA. i dropped the salt, swapped the chocolate chips for SESAME SEEDS and added some GROUND FENNEL to keep it cool.
mix a cup of TAHINI, 1/4 c of melted COCONUT OIL, 2 tbps of MAPLE SYRUP, 1/2 tsp of VANILLA EXTRACT, 1 tsp ground FENNEL SEEDS and a 1/4 c of SESAME SEEDS well. pour it all in a parchment lined baking dish and freeze for 30 mins. cut it into squares and store in the freezer.
while SESAME SEEDS can be a little warm, its so good for skin issues that typically come out in summer. the cool COCONUT OIL, MAPLE, FENNEL should sufficiently antidote the heat as long as you don’t eat it all in one sitting!
meredith carter